Welcome to our new home!
A bit like St James Park, our old Wordpress site has become unwieldy and expensive to maintain and ill-suited to the modern football fandom, so we're moving to Substack. But for us there's no move to a soulless mega bowl in the middle of nowhere - we'll be keeping our original address (true-faith.co.uk) so hopefully you won't even notice the difference.
We’ll also be keeping our distinctive brand of thoughtful, quality, alternative fan writing. No mindless clickbait. No dull wannabe football journalism that just repeats less well what you can read in the mainstream media. Instead, we try to keep the flame of fanzine writing alive as it was born and prospered in the late 1980s and 1990s. That means passionate, opinionated, irreverent fan writing, with no agenda other than quality, humour, and authenticity.
Match coverage comes in the shape of our famous TF Previews penned by a dedicated team of preview writers, followed by Match Reports written by fans in the stands at St James’ or in away ends up and down the country. We also publish Player Ratings for every match and, when we've got the energy, the occasional Flashback Friday piece taking you back to a match from the past against this weekend’s opponents.
In between matches, we publish regular opinion and analysis pieces on the pressing NUFC issues of the day, including Mick Martin’s (mostly) weekly editorial, Through Black and White eyes. We publish controversial “talking points” and deep-dive “long reads” and also keep the traditions of the early print fanzines alive with a whole breadth of other pieces, the quirkier and more obscure the better - from non-league round-ups to satirical sketches.
You’ll no doubt have come across the outstanding True Faith podcasts headed up by Alex and Charlotte, which have become a force in their own right in football fan media. We’re lucky enough to share some of the same contributors, but the writing side of True Faith is a separate editorial voice. We are run on an entirely voluntary basis and are sustained only by the energy, time, and goodwill of all our editors and contributors. Basically, we enjoy writing about football and believe in the importance of fanzines.
Most importantly, we operate a completely open-door policy for new contributions and contributors. No opinion is off-limits. Our only criterion is that the writing we publish is interesting, distinctive, and the kind of thing you won't read in the mainstream. If you've got something to say about this wonderful, impossible, ridiculous club we support, drop us a line at true.faith.writing@gmail.com.
Oh and if you like what we write, think about subscribing below! You'll get a notification every time we post a new piece.